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    High Purity Gas

    High purity hydrogen gas 99.999% (5N)

    Product classification: Hydrogen
    Name: Ultra Pure Hydrogen Pure Hydrogen Ultra Pure Hydrogen
    English name: Heavy hydrogen
    Chemical formula: H2
    Product purity: 99.999%
    Packaging specifications: 40L/8L/4L/2L
    Molecular weight: 2.016
    CAS NO: 1333-74-0

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    Product Details

    Gas Description

    High purity hydrogen is a colorless and odorless combustible gas. The flammability limit in air is 4.0% to 75.0% (V). The spontaneous combustion temperature is 571.2 ℃. Relative density ds (0 ℃, air=1) 0.06960. ρ G 0.08342kg/m3 (21.1 ℃, 101.3kPa); Liquid density 70.96kg/m3 (-252.8 ℃, 101.3kPa). Boiling point -252.8 ℃. Melting point -259.2 ℃. Hydrogen molecules are composed of two isomers, with a normal to secondary hydrogen ratio of 75:25 at room temperature. As the temperature decreases, the proportion of secondary hydrogen increases, accompanied by the release of conversion heat. At 20.4K, the equilibrium composition is 0.2:99.8. Hydrogen is non-toxic, but it cannot sustain life.

    Product application

    Hydrogen is the main industrial raw material, as well as the most important industrial gas and specialty gas

    1. It has a wide range of applications in petrochemical, electronic, metallurgical, food processing, float glass, fine organic synthesis, aerospace, and other fields.

    2. Hydrogen is also an ideal secondary energy source (secondary energy refers to energy that must be produced from a primary energy source such as solar energy, coal, etc.).

    3. In the high-temperature processing of glass manufacturing and electronic microchip manufacturing, hydrogen is added to a nitrogen protective atmosphere to remove residual oxygen.

    In the petrochemical industry, hydrogenation is required to extract crude oil through desulfurization and hydrogenation cracking.

    Another important use of hydrogen is the hydrogenation of fats in margarine, edible oils, shampoo, lubricants, household cleaners, and other products.

    Due to the high fuel efficiency of hydrogen, the aerospace industry uses liquid hydrogen as fuel.

    High purity hydrogen gas is also used in nuclear research, bombardment particles for deuterium accelerators, tracers, raw materials for gas chromatography hydrogen flame analysis, low density sounding balloons, new high-energy fuels (driving rockets), smelting of metals such as tungsten and molybdenum, as well as in industries such as petroleum refining, float glass, electronics, food, drinking water, chemical production, aerospace, and automotive